“Whom do you target if you do not know who to target” - Nikita


There are tactics that you can use to find your target audience. You could be an existing brand or a new brand. Let’s understand both scenarios.

New Brand - You answer certain questions. 
1. What is your product?

2. Who would use your product?

What is their age?

What is their gender?

What language do they speak?

What do they do professionally?

What is their income?

What is their lifestyle?

What is their marital status? 

Try to know “them” as much as you can.

3. What is the cost of your product?

4. Where is your product sold (website, app, in-store, mall etc.)? Not everyone is tech savvy. Not everyone shops at a mall.

5. Is the individual who is going to use your product the decision maker? (For example- if your product is for kids, they aren’t the decision makers. So, you would target their parents/guardians instead)

6. Who is your competitor targeting? You could gauge it by analysing the kind of graphics and language they use in their marketing.

7. Who are the market leaders of your products targeting?

Answering such questions would tell you who is likely to buy your product. 

Existing Brand

You should answer all the questions just like a new brand would. 
1. Additionally, you must look at the existing customer data to understand who your buyers are.

2. You must also look at who is clicking on your ads.

3. Who is visiting your website/store?

4. Who is following you on social media? Who is actively reacting to your posts? Who is trying to communicate with your brand?

Once you have answers to all these questions, you can create user personas out of the results.

For example - Your product is a luxury hair gel for men. And you find out that your target audience is a Man, 20-40 years, working professional, earns upwards of $150,000 annually.

You call this person Ambitious Jack

Now every marketing effort that you do to sell your product has to be with Ambitious Jack in your mind. Always ask yourself, how will Ambitious Jackbuy my product? Should I show CEO’s wearing this hair gel in my ads? Will that drive Ambitious Jack to spend money on my product?

This is how you get to understand your buyers and target them effectively.

Author : Nikita Mathur

Dated : 14th November 2022