Points of Comparison

  1. Ease Of Use

  2. Cost

  3. Payments And Transaction fees

  4. Integrations

  5. Templates

  6. Maintenance

  7. SEO

  8. Security

  9. Support

Ease of Use

In WooCommerce

Requires thorough coding experience. Store set-up time will depend on the proficiency of the developer.

In Shopify

Super easy. No prior coding experience required. The complete online store can be setup in a 1-2 week's time depending on the hours put in.


In WooCommerce

Inexpensive to begin with but we will end up paying a lot due to hosting fee, plugins, themes, security etc.

Also, it could take more time to setup the store. AND TIME IS MONEY

In Shopify

Starts at $29 USD/month (about $35 CAD/month). Price goes up as we opt for a more advanced plan, integrations and apps. But everything we pay for is worth it.

Payments & Transaction fee

In WooCommerce

Stripe & PayPal, both can be easily integrated & hence, all major cards accepted. Works in-store as well

In Shopify

"Shopify Payments" hosted on Stripe & hence, all major cards accepted. Works in-store as well.

In a case, we pick a third party payment provider & not shopify payments, we end up paying more which will make Shopify costlier for us.


In WooCommerce

Limited integrations but RepairShopr can definitely be integrated using an API key.

In Shopify

Every intergation is just a few clicks (and most times a few dollars too) away. RepairShopr can be connected using Zapier with Shopify. However, only works to create tickets & does not function as a POS system. So, thats a minus.


In WooCommerce

Definitely a good range of free and paid themes. Not so easy to play around with without a good coding experience in setting up WooCommerce themes

In Shopify

Lots of free and paid templates. Shopify templates are easier to use and play around with.


In WooCommerce

Again, the better our developer, easier the maintenance.

In Shopify

Much easier to maintain. Low effort input required.


In WooCommerce

Code optimization depends on the developer. SEO is not a problem with Yoast.

In Shopify

Codes optimization is in-built. Also, there are themes with much higher optimized codes. Gives an option to enter meta content to each page.


In WooCommerce

You will have to buy an SSL certificate yourself.

In Shopify

Fully secure in all means


In WooCommerce

The developer will always have to do a lot of research and read forums if he/she is stuck somewhere.

In Shopify

24x7 support available.


To Summarize

WooCommerce will turn out to be cheaper if your developer is top notch when it comes to coding on Wordpress. In any other case, Shopify is the better option.

Contributed by - Akshita Mathur